Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report
Inspection Reports

Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report

‍Everything you need to know about a Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report

May 15, 2023

Special Purpose Inspection Report

Report Name:

Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report

Building Inspection Report Category:

Specialized Inspections

Who is a Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report Intended for?

A Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report is intended for anyone requiring a tailored property inspection that goes beyond standard evaluations. This could include property owners, property managers, builders, or real estate professionals.

What is a Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report?

A Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report is a personalized evaluation of a property's condition. It covers specific aspects of the property based on the user's requirements, providing a detailed report with photos and recommendations for repairs or improvements.

How would an Inspector promote a Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report?

The Special Purpose Inspection Report, offered through the Building Inspection App, delivers a tailored evaluation of a property's condition based on the specific needs of the user.

The app allows for a customized inspection report that encompasses any aspect of the property's structure, interior, exterior, and surrounding areas.

This detailed report includes photos and recommendations for repairs or improvements, empowering users with the necessary information to make well-informed decisions.

What is included in a Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report?

A Customized Special Purpose Inspection Report will include the following sections:

  1. Client Details
    The client is the person or entity for whom the inspection is being undertaken
  2. About our Agreement
    Defining the Purpose, Scope, Areas Covered and Limitations of the Inspection
  3. Report Summary
    A summary of the Report content and findings to be read as part of the full report
  4. About the Property Inspected
    Primary details describing and identifying the Property that is to be Inspected
  5. Areas We Were Unable to Inspect
    Details outlining the limitations and hindrances related to the Inspection, and why
  6. Report Findings
    Detailed Report on the observations and findings of the Inspection
  7. Conclusion
    Conclusion and Recommendations from the Inspector
  8. Terms & Conditions
    Terms and conditions details related to the Inspection undertaken and Report provided
  9. Inspector Details
    Contact details of the Inspection Provider and the Inspector that undertook the Inspection
  10. Client Acknowledgement
    Acknowledgment and acceptance of the report to be completed by the Client
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